What is LibKey Nomad and how do I get it?


LibKey Nomad is a browser extension that allows you instant access to the full text of scholarly articles or ebooks owned by the library. These items can be accessed through any search engine or database, even Wikipedia references.  LibKey Nomad works with the library to determine the fastest path to content across hundreds of publishers and thousands of articles and books and allows you to avoid paywalls.  

Libkey is available for Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Microsoft Edge, Brave and Vivaldi. To download, visit libkeynomad.com, scroll to the bottom and select the icon for your browser. You can use it for multiple browsers, but you have to go through this process for each one.


A window should pop up. You will then select Sonoma State University as your institution. You can type Sonoma State University in the search bar or scroll through the organizations listed alphabetically. 

Once selected, the program is immediately added to your extensions. You can X out of the pop-up window.  It should start working immediately. If you want to confirm , check your browser extension settings to make sure it is enabled. 

While searching the web, look for this symbol. It means you have access to it via the library. Click it to get the full article or book.




  • Last Updated Jan 30, 2024
  • Views 90
  • Answered By Nora

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