How do I log in to library resources from off campus?

I want to read an article or ebook at home.


All currently enrolled SSU students, faculty, and staff can access SSU library resources off campus. To authenticate into library resources, use links from the library's research guides, a-z list of databases, or OneSearch. These links are configured to route you through a proxy service that allows you to authenticate with your Seawolf ID and password. This is the same username and password you use for Canvas and MySSU.

 Screenshot of Online Services, Sonoma State University

What if the authentication services doesn't accept my username or password?

If you cannot authenticate with your Seawolf ID and password, try the following recommendations:

1. Check that you are entering your username and password correctly. You do not need your student ID number, or after your username.

2. Contact the IT Help Desk for Seawolf ID login help

3. Try clearing your browser cookies or cache

  • Last Updated Mar 07, 2023
  • Views 25
  • Answered By Kaitlin Springmier

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